those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Sunday, August 29, 2010



When I was probably 4 or 5 my folks went to visit my mom's favorite cousin, I dont remember growing up going there it was just one of those things we started doing....they had a daughter my age, well about 9 months older than me. I always felt as tho she was my sister, but, I think it was only in my heart.

As we grew up, I dreaded going home each time I would hide, my favorite place was in this hamper....
I would also hide under the night I got my hair caught on the bed spring, and my mom cut my hair to get me out....
My hope was that my mom wouldnt find me and leave me there. Sometimes it won me a over night stay, but other times it got me a spanking and told to get into the car......was it a spanking?
I dont remember....

I just know, I hated living with my adopted parents, I just wish I could figure out why...

Recently, this cousins mom sold her personal property so she could go live in an assisted living property. The first thing I was bidding on was a big flower pot. I went to load it in my car and an older woman was lifting it up to put it in her cart. I said oh how sweet are you going to load it in my car for me? She looked at me in distain and said " i bought this, its mine" Well....I had to go check on who bought it...she did....I bought....a hamper...which...I had hidden in years, my granddaughter can hid in it, and she is 9....I surely cant remember the two of us hiding in it at 9 but I do wonder how old I was when I found the sanctuary of a hamper from my mom....
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