those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Friday, September 02, 2005


I have been to that point Feeling there wasnt any more in my life I could handle.
Knowing the load was so heavy I just didnt want to carry it any longer, but....
some how, some grace, God or higher power, brought me thru it. I am thankful for the mercy, and grace which has been given me.
Thankful for the home I have, the ability to finally make my payments, and able to keep what utilities I have paid up. The ability to pay what other bills I have, altho, I had to let go of much of the debt because I just couldnt pay it anylonger.
That was a pride thing but such mercy, giving me a way out. Now, as I watch the tv seeing these poor people who have lost everything, and have little hope to hang on to, my heart just goes out to them. Oh what can we can we can we stand together?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurricane Katrina concert and coverage: What's on tonight
The US Open continues on USA at 7pm. At 8, NBC, MSNBC, and CNBC will air A Concert For Hurricane Relief, with Harry Connick, Jr., Wynton Marsalis, Tim McGraw, Leonardo DiCaprio, and other celebrities.
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