Partner and I just came home from a lecture on Stop The War On Drugs!
A retired police officer from Boston who was on one of the first drug DEA teams in 1970's is finally speaking out....he created
LEAP Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
WOW....we been sold a war that will NEVER be won with the way it is being fought. I already knew, and I would hope most everyone else does too, but...the truth is finally coming out about the fact that THE GOVERNMENT created the drug problem, sold the drugs in return turned around "arrested" the same people they gave and sold the drugs to in the beginning so to have people to arrest!!!!!! for votes for the politicians wanted to look good and get votes! NOW they spend 69BILLION dollars a year keeping the monster fed!
new prisons, no money for schools, no money for health care but now 30 years later, with what started as a lie....a we didnt have a drug problem, just a little weed and hash their first seizure was 19 pounds!!!! and that was planted for publicity sake!!!!
today drug profits are 500 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR on the all created by OUR government!!!!
It doesn't cost anything, if they can get 1million people to join the STOP THE WAR ON DRUGS, they can get things turned around in Washington....
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