Given away at birth
Into a family unkown
Given to those who cared
Loved and wanted
Given to those who knew nothing about the birth
Who gave too much attention to the baby
And pushed away as the baby grew to into the child
The child, was what she was called
Names changed as time went by
First baby Rooks
Then Cynthia Elaine Budde
Cynthia named for a soap opera ho who had many lovers
Elaine, for that intellectual one sounded too grown up for the child
Some how along the way the child became Cindy
Never knowing who she was and seldom did anyone care enough to find out
Walking home from school was always a thrill untl the boys caught up and made fun
And chanted about her being ugly or stupid
Or the girls walking by not even to say hello
Seldom was there a day to walk home chatting along the way happily with a friend who seemed to really care
Off they went moving a way, never got to know them very long
WAtching from the wall hung picture, watching the life moving on
Fun, laughter, beautiful colors of gift wrappings being unwrapped
All the others were enjoying as she was watching from the wall hung picture
Fast forward 40+ years,
Wandering thru the wilderness
Chosen paths with many branches
Tuesday was the day she was born
And Ruby is her stone
Rubes a name of endearment chosen
Watching life from the wall hung picture
Rubes has tried to fit in
More secluded and alone she becomes where perhaps
She actually might find who
She is
Why she is
Where she is
Thank you for going on the journey with her
So her life can become more than a wall hung picture
Watching life from afar
Wishing she was a part of the fun and laughter
To become a part of a FAMILY
@CEM Jan 14, 2012