those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Saturday, February 18, 2006

more faithbuiling strategy

Well, its at an all time high, or low which ever direction you want to look at it.
Thursday was my court date, i took the 2 years of records they demanded, the lawyer they hired to "meet" me was from here in town, and, known to be a lazy sob, so, hopefully, he isnt agressive! but dont know that....
I explained why my debts, and gave him my paper work, and asked what they would most probably do, with out looking at my numbers and income, he said, most probably garnish your wages. Well.....working 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, doesnt pay my bills the way it is, let alone after they take their share, so.....hanging on to a tiny thread here....

Got home..and found the partner sitting with his sister, he hadnt gone to work GRRRRRR makes the 3 day this week, and...he was too drunk!
He was supposed to leave on Sunday for his treck to California to work with his friend out there, and, help us get out of debt! yeah right!
he is now sitting in rehab, another 10,000.00 bill coming to us after he gets out!

Plus he had quit his job, to go to california, so.....not only is he not going to california for 23.00 an hour, he quit his 10.00 an hour job, and jobs around here are TOO HARD TO FIND!!!! let alone for even 8.00 an hour!

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