I dont want you to be drunk when I get home!
I dont want you to be an asshole when I get home
and I dont want you here if you cant seem to learn these two things!
I dont ask much, I dont require much, but, I want to be able to come home and not have a fight on my hands!
I want to be able to come home and enjoy what time im home, and not working....not being totally worn out physically, then, have to come home and be totally worn out emotionally too!
I am having enough problems getting my crap together with out having to get your fucking crap together too!
I am not your mother
I am not your sister
I am not youer fucking ex wife!
I am not your ex girlfriend
I am not the one who has disc'ed you
I am not your FATHER who abused you
I am just me, I want respect, I want to be loved
and I want to not have to put up with YOU!