those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

mothers of mankind

taking on more responsibility so he doesn't have to
the women need the time alone to get it sorted thru
men don't want to think aobut the everafter
the before and behind of things
we must stand united
where R U mothers of mankind....

the men took the lead in the walk out of the desert
now it is time for the woman to walk back into the garden

nothing like a strole thru the park with the one you love
tell me have you felt the love of the soul
seen thru the portal of the heart
into the eyes

falling into love with the one
who would touch the golden spot of
doors are closed unable to visit that spot
to make love thru the night

I have runaway, oh my love to runaway with you
to fall into the deep abyss of blyss
to fall inlove and know the soul has been touched
to know that the spirit has been brought alive
and given the lust for life
to be rebirthed into the air of golden sunlight
clouds of white feathers lightening the way into the path of
how to live the life which is poured out before us but yet
hidden to those who are dead and blind
oh to taste and know it is good
oh to love and know it is real
oh to desire and know the way

As I was given the day
the darkness brought out the light
a spark like a diamond in the dark
that led me to the holy night

to go back, to know the way forward
the circle of life beyond the belief of
we know not what we are speaking
when we have lost our way
the spirit is lost, and no way back
no guide to find the way
only little hints along the way
has my mind been able to make contact with
but yet the days are empty with out one bit of sight
oh my God in front of me give me a climbse
they speak not of you in the chambers of their religions
I ask for the one word I can recognize but no voice is heard

I know in my heart you are there
I know I must find you
but where....

Friday, April 13, 2007

Imagine a world with out .....

Years ago there was a song which asked us to imagine a world with out heaven

sitting here at home, being eaten away with pain, anger, i had a choice
i could move forward or live in the past
but I have to forgive self
no one can survive unless the man at the top finds a way to forgive himself...

I just don't know what I'm asking forgiveness for

lossing ones self....not knowing who or where i have been other than lost...

needing reason to get married, life was empty
marriage was going to full fill that emptiness didn't....
I wasnt ready for marriage, I had not tasted the world, to know what I wanted.
BUT, I had dated a couple of guys, i fended them off all the while wanting to give in so badly...but
good girls dont give in....dont have sex out side of marriage....
do they?

my life has been so screwed up