those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I so clearly understand the hourglass of time
each day slowly slipping thru the fingers, and never really clearly seeing the reason of each day, never having acknowledgement of living
never seeing clearly the blueness of the sky
each day full of pain, each day, the soul slipping away
each day another full of grace
not realizing the mercy we receive
for not living each day to the fullest, for one reason or another
How can I, help YOU, understand, the reasons for our pain are not found in the medical society
but the society of self awareness
feeling the life draining away
How can you, help, me, undertand, the reasons of our pain are not found in the science society,
but the society of life inscripted into ones mind
the horns have been blown for those to find that life
for the days are numbered and one will never know
unless one goes to find that LIFE
which was brought forward unto
those who were chosen

to not know, why one is chosen is the greatest pain of all time, to never hear the fathers voice, say, well done my good and loyal child
….is…the greatest pain…..