those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Friday, September 09, 2005

Rising above the tide

ok, Katrina wiped New Orleans off the map as the weather reporters reported, people died, material possessions are lost, people are devistated, and, the government got caught with their hands in the cookie jar with no cookies to be found! (or shall I say, pork barrel?) Officials taking huge amounts of pay for what? leaving the poor with what? not exactly any type of self reliance or self protection, dumbing down of America is what I call it....

Now what?

Are we going to lay down and die, as I have been doing for the past year?

My life has been wiped out, financially, and emotionally, and, yet, something in me keeps wanting to go on, keep on keepin on as they say....

Black Americans, White Americans, Vietnamese Americans, They have not touched on the fact its not just BLACK America which has been damaged and devistated but all of us together. We are a nation together, "under GOD?" The spirit of freedom, the spirit of love, the spirit of unity, is and will prevail. As we have been seen in the past years of war, our soul has been stripped and left in a heap of rubble to be humbled. Will we rise to the occation?
A people with out a vision of hope dies
A people with out spirit whithers
A people with out love disapears
Cry out for the onions and leeks which one took for granted, but, hang tight, for there will be the streets of gold and land of milk and honey if one keeps a vision.

There are those who would point fingers, put into the blame game so as not to have to accept responsibility for their own actions. Bringing forth the fact that we have become a nation which cant take care of ourselves, always expecting the "government" to take care of us, expecting the miracles to come from someone else instead of from with in. The spirit of our love is being tested and making a river which flows thru the nation becoming a ocean with no shores. In the sweet bye and bye we shall meet on the shores, keeping hope alive we will see each other on another day. What has become important to us? Our material things over our loved ones, or friends? Helping one another is the only way we are going to be able to make it thru this. Other nations have reached out, it has been a way for us to humbly accept help, and, go forth.

Reporters have gotten braver, showing more of the whole story, and can we take it?
can the world take it? Have we shown enough of the vulnurable side of our suffering?
have they seen that we cant deal with crisis, but expect the world to believe we are the powerful nation expected to be strong and brave for all we have done in the past?

There are those who are fundamentalists believing every sin is punishable by consequences but, what about forgiveness and the ability to accept the gift?
Is judgement being plundered upon our land?
Is it a time for us to be on our knees asking for forgiveness for allowing our spirit to die, leaving our vulnerable children and weak with out safety, has it sparked enough of a flame to get the fire glowing, bringing back the human side in life? 911 started it, taking it to the enemy....there was an enemy so we are told, but, this time, who is the enemy? Can we blame God, ourselves, others?

I think, and I am only a mere human woman with out a face, with out a voice, except a small blog which is not read by anyone, but, we are all human, we are all accountable, we are all guilty, we are all victims, we are all powerful, we are all weak, we are all together, in a land, in a world, with no beginning, no end, but the time is now, only now which is important, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but, this moment, of how we love one another , how we do unto others as we would have done unto us......

Are we in a boat with out an oar, or, are we in a row boat rowing together, faith tells me a boat with out an oar takes you to shores not yet found, rowing together tells me a vision must come alive in more than one....does the boat have an anchor to keep us in place and a chance of sinking, or do we have the freedom to explore our options, its all in how we stay afloat and how we take the ride....
sink or rising above the tide....

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