those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Sunday, August 21, 2005

as long as there is power there will be wars

It doesnt take long in a relationship to see that power is a game.
One that is either built upon, or, destroyed by warfare.

If we do not learn by the past, where are we headed?
Is it any coincidence that the Nuclear bomb exploded in Japan and world wide notification( real life news clips) were held back until now? Has there been enough time in the years between then and now, enough desensitizing to make it ok to use Nuclear weapons again?

Where did we go wrong? Why is the United States sitting at hells gates once again? It took us 30+ years to finally start to feel secure and less threatened by the other world powers and now, we are on our knees again, begging for alliances, begging for support, and begging for Gods speed.
I as a child of the 50's remembers well the fear of knowing I lived with in 35 miles of a prime bombing site, knowing that in an instant life could be over due to a bomb being dumped on Wichita. Knowing that I had no defense other than my relationship with God. Knowing that he would be my only salvation. Knowing that all things work for good in those who believe in the Lord.
I cannot seem to get past the thought that we are WRONG in being in Iraq. What makes the US believe we can go over there and change what their way of life which has been a way of life for thousands of years!
With all of the wars thru out all of the millennium have not made a better world, in fact, we are in such bad condition, ecology, economy, and, the whole personal emotional stress level. There isnt a person I know who isnt under alot of stress, except those who put all behind them and show a smiling face when they speak of the Lord....but...when you get down to it, they have such stresses too....are they really happier than others?
I always felt I had the faith it spoke of in the Bible, but, I sure have not been able to find any "joy" in the Lord, or, Life...

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