those who join me in my head--hello---is anyone there?

Saturday, May 28, 2005

adrift with out any wind

For the first time in 10 years I have no stress, other than, not enough hours on my job, no extra money coming in, other than the money brought in by taking in a renter with mental problems.
I dont like living in my house, I dont like living in my home town, and, my housemates are boring....
I know it could be much worse, and, I know, I could be doing something, but, I dont know what.
I feel as tho Im stuck in the middle of kansas (ocean) with out a sail on my boat, and no wind....
Every time in my life I have complained of being bored all hell breaks out, so, I dont want to do that, but, I am frustrated not knowing how to get off of dead center.
People say, being a Christian is so exciting because they never know what God has planned and they love seeing the miracles around them. So, why cant I get excited about the miracles, the never knowing which cliff im going to be pushed over, and which way Im going to go.
I have no privacy, and, no life. So, how can I get excited?
I wish someone would hear me!!!!!

Im dying in the middle of no where, but, no one cares.....